Social media is like a Mr. Bubble pool party


Remember those old black and white TV commercials? They aired long before the Internet, and mostly even before remotes. Well, I was wandering around YouTube today and found a few of my favorites, including this one enticing kids to have a Mr. Bubble pool party. The first time I saw the commercial I decided I simply had to have my very own pool party with my friends. Mom didn’t didn’t seem to mind though, and was happy to pour the magic flakes into my tiny pool for my friends and me. After all, what mother wouldn’t jump at the chance to have a clean kid without the bath-time whining?!

Anyway, I’d like to think social media is a little like a Mr. Bubble pool party. It has a way of bringing people together and can be a heck of a lot of fun!

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  1. Village Company

    That’s wonderful! I represent The Village Company and we market the Mr. Bubble brand. It’s so nice to hear others enjoy Mr. Bubble as much as we do! There are several of these old Mr. Bubble commercials on YouTube. I am enjoying watching them myself.
    -The Village Company

  2. Sue Rostvold

    Okay, I don’t know what year that was, but I feel like I’ve seen it before. Ah… Mr. Bubble memories. What a fun YouTube find! ๐Ÿ™‚



  1. Social Media is Like…a Mr. Bubble Pool Party? | SocialCX - [...] Social media is like a Mr. Bubble Pool party…it has a way of bringing people together and can be…

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